How Raw Living Boosts Your Health And Immune System
People who have tried and believed raw living would always say that this kind of diet boosts the immune system immensely. The science behind this is that eating raw food basically keeps the raw ingredients in the food alive, those ingredients are the key ingredients that basically increases metabolism, produces energy for the body, and also increases the body’s resistance towards diseases.
Below are really good dairy free raw foods that you can easily incorporate into your diet slowly but surely:
Believe it or not, garlic is a very good immune system booster because of how it is very rich in the component called allicin. Allicin is released each time the garlic us cut open, sliced, diced, minced, and other ways to cut it, but then it also disappears as quickly as it came and this is why it is important to eat the garlic right away after slicing it open. And besides, eating it right away will make it taste better than leaving it out in the open for a long time.
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Another very important live ingredient common in collard greens, kale, fresh thyme, spinach, cilantro, sweet potatoes, and winter squash is carotenoids and this is best eaten live as well.
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Vitamin C is a very well-known component in brightly colored fruits that helps boost the immune system and pineapples, grape fruits, strawberries, cantaloupes, and papayas are rich sources of vitamin C.
Vitamin E is another ingredient that a lot of experts believe to help in preventing from cancer cells from developing and as a bonus, it helps lower down cholesterol levels as well. Rich sources of vitamin E will include avocado, asparagus, almonds, and unheated vegetable oils.
Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids basically help in preventing cancer and rheumatoid arthritis and as a matter of fact it boost the immune system too and therefore eating food rich with it is essential. You can get a lot of these from beans, flaxseed oil, and walnuts.
When it comes to preventing your skin from undergoing premature aging and protecting it from sagging, you will need zinc as an antioxidant. Food rich in zinc are sesame, almonds, nuts, beans, and poppy seeds.
Selenium is part of the live ingredients as well and this specific ingredient help a lot in supporting the function of the thyroid, reaction to hormones from energy and protein in the body as well. Eating a lot of nuts and as well as legumes are pretty much rich in selenium.
Generally, fruits and vegetables eaten raw is a very good incorporation to your diet because fruits and vegetables are basically very good for the health and the immune system. Your health will be shaped depending on your choice of food.